Wednesday, January 20, 2016

6502 Learning (RC2016/1)... Video buffer sidetrack...

I got a little sidetracked while working on the KIM-Uno calculator, playing with video buffers. I had added a video buffer to the desktop Kim Uno Remix project. Ultimately, I want to make a compressed image decoder and viewer.. to draw sprites to the screen or full-screen images.

I've written stuff like this before back on the Z80 for Pac-Man hardware, so I thought it would be a fun exercise to see how something like this would be implemented on 6502. It gives me a good chance to learn addressing modes and methods for this architecture... which is very different than Z80's.

You can attempt to play along by using this web-based assembler system. I based the video buffer in KIM Uno Remix on this system.  There are a few differences though...

  • 32x32 pixels
  • 16 colors
  • Commodore 64 palette
  • starts at $0200, continues horizontally then down, starting top left
  • one byte per pixel
  • bottom nibble indicates the color ($00..$0F)
  • top nibble is ignored
  • code starts at $0600
KIM Uno Remix:

  • is 32x32 pixels
  • 16 colors
  • Modified Deluxe Paint palette
  • starts at $4000, continues horizontally then down, starting top left
  • one byte per pixel
  • bottom nibble indicates the color ($00..$0F)
  • top nibble is ignored
  • code starts at $0200
Here's the output from a small program (shown below) that shows off the palettes of the systems. The KIM Uno is on the left, and shows the very reasonable "rainbow" palette.  The one on the right shows the more convoluted "Commodore 64 palette" of the web tool.

The colored sections are 8 rows of 32 pixels across. Since there's only 16 colors, the color stripes get repeated twice along the horizontal of the screen.

The code to run the above was essentially identical on both systems but there are some tweaks to accommodate the addresses and some minor differences between the CC65 tools that I use and the web-based tool.

Here's the source code listing used for CC65, which generated the image on the left above.  You can see that it writes to two of the four banks of memory space, at $4000 and $4200, while not doing anything with the $4100 and $4300 banks, which is why we see two segments of stripes, and two segments of black in the above image. It is a very simple program that simply increments "X" and writes it to videobuffer[x].

And here's the source for the web-based tool.  I colorized it to match the above CC65/KIM Uno Remix listing.  Notice that the program is the same, although it uses $0200 and $0400 for the screen memory, skipping the $0300 and $0500 sections.  I also switched the "unnamed label" from the above code to be a label named "loop" for this one.  It apparently doesn't support that.

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